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1:1 coaching can be expensive and sometimes we aren't ready to bare our life to a coach just yet. That's why online courses work so well! Self paced, private and jam packed with information that would take months to access in a 1:1 setting, my pleasure programs might be the right option for you!


Are you unsatisfied with your orgasms or maybe haven’t yet experienced one? Do you feel lost in bed? Do you lose your voice during sex and just can’t seem to say what it is you need? Are you dealing with trauma and memories that create anxiety and fear around enjoying your pleasure? Are you and your partner on a totally different page and need help understanding each other's needs? Or are you feeling overwhelmed with where exactly it is that you need to start in order to get the pleasure you want?

Thousands of women only experience orgasm in a specific position that involves squeezing of  their legs super tight or a variation of intense squeezing of their lower body. It affects relationships, confidence and self-worth for those wanting to change their pleasure position but haven't been able to find a way out. That's why I've created the very first ever online course that takes my 1:1 coaching sessions and brings it straight to you in this mini syntribation station course. 

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FREE 1 hour master class? Hell yeah, sign me up! Learn all about the importance of the clit and how big of a role it plays in your orgasms, start to understand what impacts your arousal and to then tap into it, you'll then dive into why your clit feels super numb or desensitized due to your vibrator and how to change that and then mastering those pesky unwanted thoughts that keep popping up during pleasure time and how to literally rewire your brain to stop this.

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